Vertima develops and tailors environmental trainings to meet your needs.

In-Person Class or Virtual Course

Choosing Eco-Friendly Materials

Clients: Architects, Engineers and Designers

Level: Intermediate

GBCI Credits: 7 hours

In-Person Class or Virtual Course

Selling and Positioning your Products in a LEED® v4 Project

Clients: Manufacturers and Distributors

Level: Intermediate

GBCI Credits: 7 hours

In-Person Class or Virtual Course

Contractor's Role and Responsibilities in a LEED® v4 Project

Clients: General Contractors, Subcontractors and Real Estate Developers

Level: Intermediate

GBCI Credits: 4 hours

In-Person Class or Virtual Course

Contractor's Role and Responsibilities in a LEED® v4 Project

Clients: General Contractors, Subcontractors and Real Estate Developers

Level: Intermediate

GBCI Credits: 7 hours

We also offer customized trainings.


All trainings are given in the language of your choice, English or French.


All our courses count toward in-house training hours since Vertima is recognized by Quebec‘s Commission des partenaires du marché du travail [Labour Market Partners Commission] (trainer accreditation no. 0054407).


In addition, Vertima’s courses are eligible for continuous training hours for engineers and architects, in addition to being approved by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) for the maintenance of the LEED® specialized professional designation.

Need more information? Contact us!