About us

Team discussion

A dedicated team since 2008

With its experienced and specialized team, Vertima actively supports manufacturers and stakeholders involved in environmentally friendly and sustainable construction projects, particularly with regards to LEED® certification.

Professional collaboration

We actively contribute to developing the environmental strategies implemented by real estate developers, contractors, manufacturers and training organizations.

explanation circle



Vertima has completed more than 91 sustainable building certification projects under the LEED, Green Globes, WELL and WELL Health-Safety certification programs. All of our projects take into account current and future social, economic and environmental benefits.



Vertima has analyzed and validated more than 1,000 products with environmental properties and attributes.



Our experts have given more than 250 workshops on Integrated Design Processes (IDPs). Our firm is also recognized by the Société québécoise des infrastructures du Québec (SQI) for its expertise in IDP and its role as a facilitator in a number of their projects.



Our team of experts in the field of sustainable building and materials certification has trained more than 950 professionals, developers, contractors, subcontractors and other players in the construction industry.

Our mission

Share a global vision for sustainable development.

Guide and equip clients with environmental strategies to improve their market positioning.

Implement integrated solutions to improve the environmental performance of businesses, products, services and buildings.

Our vision: to be at the core of your environmental strategies, today and tomorrow.

The founders

Since 2002, Vertima’s founders have actively contributed to growing the sustainable building sector. Namely, Josée Lupien was a founding member of the Quebec Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council, in addition to serving for 10 years on the board, including two years as president in 2014 and 2015. Jean DesRosiers also served as president of the Quebec City Quebec branch for seven years. Additionally, Josée Lupien contributes to expert groups in the industry, including as a member of the board of directors of the Health Product Declaration Collaborative (HPDC) in the United States.

Josée Lupien

LEED Fellow Crendentials LEED AP ID+C LEED AP BD+C WELL AP Crendentials Women Owned Certification
Josée Lupien


Jean Desrosiers

Vice-president, General manager

Jean Desrosiers


A team of highly qualified professionals

We offer high-quality professional consulting services to meet the needs of our clients and create economic, environmental and social value through each mandate. The members of the Vertima team are professionals chosen for their values, who are passionate about their work and strive to give their best. Team spirit and collaboration are part of Vertima’s DNA.


The Vertima team holds numerous international professional accreditations

Certification of sustainable buildings

LEED AP ND LEED AP ID+C LEED AP BD+C LEED Fellow Crendentials WELL AP Crendentials Envision Crendentials

Environmental certification for products and materials

EPD Crendentials HPDC Verifier Crendentials HPDC Preparer Crendentials Declare Crendentials

CSA Group Approved Auditors

CSA Crendentials

Environmental certification

Vertima's team has been trained by the CSA Group to apply the following standards :

∙ ISO 14064-1: 2018 Greenhouse Gas Inventories—Measuring Carbon Footprint

∙ ISO 14064-2: 2019 Greenhouse Gas Projects and Reducing Environmental Impact

∙ ISO 14064-3: 2019 Greenhouse Gas Verification and Validation

Certified trainers

Trainers approved by the Labour Market Partners Commission (certificate number: 0054407)

Facilitator—Integrated Design Process (IDP)

Josée Lupien, president of Vertima is qualified as a facilitator for the Société Québécoise des Infrastructure (SQI)

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Our expertise, combined with the dedication of our team, allows us to offer our clients the best environmental strategies adapted to their needs and objectives.

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Our clients

Companies from a wide variety of fields, from the manufacturers of construction products and materials to the developers of the environmental exploitation of their buildings, have called on our services.

arcelormittal venture soprema
dupont permacon walker
boafranc bolduc cendrex
cimentquebec craft daubois
debourgh delafontaine garex
greendotsign kaycan laurier
lauzon legerlite lignia
manugypse metalec moderco
montel norbec novik
palmex pbi polycor
porteslambton prelco richlite
saman tafisa texel
uniboard unicel wickham

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